about being a host

Yesterday’s conversation Are You Ready for 40 Days of Community continues with About Being a Host.

The best way to form a group is for you to invite your Christian neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances. Groups that have a built-in affinity with each other, (such as a common relationship with YOU!) are groups that are the most likely to thrive. Perhaps you have a casual relationship with fellow Christians at school, on sports teams, or at the gym, and they may be looking for a place to connect and build community.

Another idea is to place a 40 Days of Community yard sign in your yard. This will identify you as a someone involved in 40 Days of Community. Those interested would love to know there is HOST in their area and would most likely attend your small group.

WHAT ABOUT NON-CHRISTIANS? The content of the 40 Days of Community is oriented to believers. This is a study that helps Christians to bond with one another in community and then reach out together to the surrounding community. If you have unchurched people who want to join your group, that’s great! You will want to adjust some of the discussion questions to accommodate their perspective, which we will help you do as we go through the campaign. Another great way to include your unchurched neighbors is to invite them to join with your group when you do your missions project. They will enjoy doing something meaningful for the community, and you will have a great opportunity to draw them into your fellowship and demonstrate love in action.

The bottom line is this…these are people that only you can reach. As we seek to build unity in our community, more than ever before we will do all we can to help you add people to your small group.

Tomorrow we will talk about Getting Into a 40 Days of Community Small Group